Friday, April 17, 2009

3 Bens

Prior / Mason

The boys are 10 weeks old today. Here are the 2 1/2 month overall pictures. I can't believe how much they've grown in 10 weeks. This week we graduated from the "N" sized diapers to the "1" sized diapers.

We are also wrapping up our first week with Tanja and things are going well. She adores the boys...but can you blame her!? Tanja says there are "3 Bens" that live in this house!

Her very first flight ever was to the US and she's already going on another. She's flying to Chicago for the weekend to visit some family. It is Easter this weekend (she's Eastern Orthodox) so it is nice that she can be with family for the holiday. We think it is great for get out and explore this world.

Tanja tells me that in Serbia women typically take 2-3 years of maternity leave. Oh - it gets better. They get paid 50% of their salary for the whole time. I thought for sure this discussion was a classic case of misunderstanding as a result of our language barrier but she insists this is the case.

Prior, Tanja and Mason

I can yawn too, says Prior!

1 comment:

  1. Those boys are so dang cute! I love the overall picture..they certainly are growing and getting those cute chubby cheeks!

    I love the comment on hockey...I'm with you there, but in Iowa we don't have to worry about that sport thankfully:) I'm sure I'll offend lots of people with my soccer comments, but oh well. Have a good weekend with your little guys.


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