Monday, January 9, 2012

Insta-Weekend 1.8.12

Boys - your mom is officially one of those old people that can't stop talking about the weather. Your dad even wore shorts to and from swimming lessons tonight. Some day years down the road (hopefully at which point you've forgiven me for posting a video of you trying to poop on the world wide web) I'll remind you that this winter before your 3rd birthday was unseasonably warm. 30's and 40's and practically no snow are such an unbelievable treat in a state like Minnesota in January.

Minnesota - you better watch out. If you keep this up I might actually like you. Emphasis on the "might" part. I'm not making any promises.

It's January. That means it's officially busy season for Dad. The boys and I made a quick trip to the mall to pick up some new pants for their 3 year pictures. They've borderline outgrown the stroller but when it's just me those monkey straps are my only chance at not having to call mall security because I've lost one.

On that topic...a few weeks ago we were in line to return something at Macys'. Prior looked at me and said:
Prior: "MOM. I go by ice cream truck by myself" (a ride thing you put a quarter in that was halfway across the mall)
Me: "No way Jose - you're only two."
Prior: "But Mom - I come right back!"

I was hoping to have that conversation when he's 16. Not 2.

Anyway, I couldn't resist these hats and glasses (you know, since it's spring) from Children's Place. After I tried them on the boys didn't want to take them off.

Twins attract attention. Twins of the same sex attract even more attention. Identical twins attract even more attention. Identical twin boys dressed up like the blues brothers attract attention from 99.9% of people at the mall. I learned that pretty quickly!
If someone would have told me 4 years ago that I would have a sand box IN my basement, I would have laughed out loud.
I now have a sandbox in my basement. And it is currently the HIGHLIGHT of the day.
And a little sand on the floor in the basement is not going to stress me out!

Watching a little Elmo video waiting for our Pad Thai
Eating' our Pad Thai.
The boys even impressed everyone at the restaurant by using their manners and saying "thank you" in Thai.
Backwash levels: high to quite high

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