Monday, March 2, 2009

Our First Outfits

Most of our clothes are sleepers (since we do a lot of that you know) but today we wore our first real outfits! Don't we look handsome? The shirts even have collars! That's good enough for church...just about another month and the doctor will let us go to church!

Today Mason went back to Dr. VanBeek for his leg. It sounds like it is healing - just very slowly. The doctor had to scrape some of the dead skin off the wound to help it heal better. Luckily Dad was along so he could hold Mason's hand while Mom stood in the corner with her fingers in her ears to drown out the crying. Typical first time Mom moment (I hope?!).

Some of you have asked more about what exactly happened to his leg and what an IV infiltration is. After the boys were born they needed IV's for certain medication as well as fluids. Since their veins are small and weak the IV in a hand or foot wouldn't last long and would need to be restarted in a different location. So they had IV's in both hands and feet at different times during their stay in the hospital. An IV infiltration is when the IV fluid or medication leaks out of the vein and essentially irritates or burns the skin from the inside out towards the surface of the skin. It usually happens a little ways away from where the IV was started. For Mason the IV was started on his left foot and the sore is on the inside of his leg just up from his ankle. It is very deep and it's the size of a quarter. I know a quarter doesn't sound very big but on a little guy it's a big portion of his leg. But - he is going to be just fine!! The doctor gave us two layers of dressing that we change twice a day and we will continue to go back to the doctor weekly until it is healed.

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