Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Sensory Overload

For Christmas last year the boys each got an 'exersaucer' from Grandpa Don and Grandma Julie. This weekend we got them out of the box and assembled. The boys absolutely love them. I couldn't even get their attention to get a good picture because they were so intrigued by all of the "options". They are pretty darn cool. The boys love to be standing and it is really neat to see them use their hands like they know what they are doing. 

Mason busy in the farm-themed exersaucer.

Mason in the exersaucer. The lights and sounds on this one are Vegas-level intense. In fact it takes 12 batteries. 12. I get tired just looking at it!

Prior in the jump-a-roo. Thanks cousin Miya for sharing with us! I hope you don't mind a little drool! It is funny - these pictures correctly portray the boys' personalities. Prior is much more laid back and Mason is the 'busier' one.

1 comment:

  1. Don't worry... Miya did plenty of drooling in the jump-a-roo as well! I'm glad the boys like it. Can't wait to see you in a couple weeks! Love, Gina


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